I Familiå-ku
The idea for this lesson plan came about within 5 minutes of thinking “Oh my God, Dr. Cyrus is asking to hear our ideas… and I don’t have one!” As the questioning got nearer, I decided on a Social Studies lesson dealing with family members. I wanted my students to tell me and their classmates about their family members and their roles, but I wanted them to do it in a more exciting way. Not like the usual “show and tell.”
Trying to write out the lesson plan wasn’t hard, but my mind has been elsewhere for the past few weeks that I just procrastinated. Once again we had to use the lesson plan format called the “ASSURE” model, which I’m extremely used to and is soon becoming my favorite lesson plan format. I still followed the format from a website (http://www.unca.edu/education/edtech/techcourse/assure.htm) that I’ve used since last semester.
Although more than one standard from the NETS can apply to my lesson, I decided upon NETS-T.2.A;
“Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers: design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.” (http://www.iste.org/inohouse/nets/cnets/teachers/pdf/NETS_forTeachers_2007.pdf)
The part that I enjoyed the most while doing this lesson plan was creating yet another lesson that incorporated technology. I used Google Pages to create a website displaying my lesson plan and a sample end product. I liked using Google Pages again. I find that it’s very easy to navigate. The only problem is that you can’t do much with it. Overall I like that I’m getting to refresh myself with the tools I used last semester. With taking Dr. Cyrus’ class last semester and continuing this semester I have a bigger list of resources that will help make it easier for me to enhance the students learning opportunities in the future.
"NETS for Teachers." National Educational Technology Standards Project. 22 Feb. 2008.
Heinich, Molenda, Russell &Smaldino. 1999. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning. 22 Feb. 2008.
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