Friday, May 23, 2008

Election Day

At first I was worried as to how my group and I were going to incorporate all of our majors into one lesson plan. Two people in my group are Chamoru majors, one person is a Social Studies major, one is a Special Education major, and I’m an Early Childhood major. So coming up with one lesson that included all our majors was difficult. When we had our group meeting and decided with a lesson about elections.

Trying to write out the lesson plan was a lot easier than last semester. We had to use the lesson plan format called the “ASSURE” model, which I was used to. Last semester I was extremely confused, but this time it was my group members who were confused. I showed them a website ( that explained it to me and last semester and it helped them understand.

Although more than one standard from the NETS can apply to our lesson, I decided upon NETS-T.2.A;

“Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers: design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.” (

The part that I enjoyed the most while doing this lesson plan was creating another lesson that incorporated technology. With taking Dr. Cyrus’ class last semester I have a bigger list of resources that will help make it easier for me to enhance the students learning opportunities in the future.


"NETS for Teachers." National Educational Technology Standards Project. 22 Feb. 2008. .

Heinich, Molenda, Russell &Smaldino. 1999. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning. 22 Feb. 2008.

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