Friday, May 23, 2008

Lesson Plan 1

Analyze Learners

  1. Number of Students: 20
  2. No. of Males/Females: 10 Males / 10 Females
  3. Age Range: 9-11
  4. Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
    • Disabilities: Mild Mental Retardation
    • Cultural/Ethnic Notes: 8 Chamorus, 5 Filipinos, 3 Palauans, 2 Caucasians, 1 Asian, 1 African American
  1. Current Knowledge, Prerequisites, and Notes about Learner Attitudes: Students have been learning how to make graphs on MS Excel. They have been learning about US elections.
  2. Learning Styles
    • Visual: 40%
    • Auditory (Aural): 20%
    • Kinesthetic (Hands On): 40%

State Objectives

- Students will be able to create a graph using MS Excel when given information about presidential polls with 90% accuracy.

- Students will be able to determine who has won the election based on the information of the graph they created with 100% accuracy.

- Special needs student will be able to complete the same tasks with 80% accuracy.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

- Digital Camera

- Popsicle Sticks

- Computers

- MS Excel Programs

- Projector

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

- Digital Camera: TSW take pictures of the candidates for the Class President and Class Vice President Positions.

- Popsicle Sticks: TSW use the popsicle stick to vote for their favorite candidate for the Class President and Class Vice President Positions.

- Computers: TSW use the computer to access the program needed to complete their assignment.

- MS Excel Program: TSW create different graphs depicting the outcome of the election.

- Projector: TSW present their graphs to the class.

Require Learner Participation

  1. The students will be broken up into 4 groups of 5.
  2. The students will nominate their peers as candidates for the election.
  3. The students will then take pictures of the candidates.

4. The students will use the popsicle sticks as a vote for their candidate.

5. Each group will then use the results to create 2 different types of graphs.

6. After students are finished, each group will present their graphs to the class.

Evaluate & Revise

  1. Student Performance:

- The graph presentation will determine if they understood how to use MS Excel.

- Observation: Did the student work well with their group? Did the students speak clearly during their presentation?

  1. Instructor Performance

- Did the students understand the instructions given?

- Can students use the lesson taught for future applications?

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